Manor Works Painting Refresh Tip!
Looking for a great way to change up your entry way. Paint is the easiest way to refresh your home. You can paint the inside of your front door, giving your space a nice pop of color.
Popular door colors now are blacks, blues and grays. Pictured here is SW Grizzle Gray. Manor Works favorite door color at the moment is SW-Grizzle Gray, and BM Kendal Charcoal.
Step 1: Cover your area to ensure your floors are not damaged
Step 2: Prep your door using sand paper

Step 3: Use primer if necessary (if your door has not been painted or dramatic color change)
Step 4 : Paint 2 coats of semi gloss Benjamin Moore or Sherwin William paint
Allow dry time and avoid family and pets to avoid using this door.
Viola! You will smile every time your pass your door!
We are here to help you if you would like to book us to do your next paint project!